Tuesday, August 30, 2005


Jane King at The Giving Blog points people to an organization called CharityFocus.

According to the website:
CharityFocus has no paid staff members. A common downfall of nonprofit organizations is that their pure intentions are often overshadowed by the challenges for survival. What begins as a way to serve others, very easily becomes a self-propagating system that aims to stay alive at all costs. Noticing that trend, CharityFocus took another route -- keep the organization fully volunteer-run. No money to raise, no vested interests, no hidden agendas, no image to uphold. So long as volunteers give, the organization will continue to thrive.

It's gloriously utopian:
CharityFocus has no leaders, no followers; its strength comes from its emptiness and its beauty resides in the hearts of its volunteers.

Take a look at their programs. Amazing. I'd tell you to donate, but I don't think they want your money.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Sir,

I am looking for donations to help clear my liabilities to help me lead a life of sufficiency from now.

Wondering if you or anyone else you know would be willing to help me.

You can write to me at my email address for details. I am willing to work with you to let you be convinced that the money wont be abused.

Thank you for your time.